Tecnara (Aragonese Cluster of Information Technologies, Electronics and Telecommunications)

Address: C/ María de Luna, 11 · 50018 · Zaragoza

Arahealth and TECNARA have established a collaboration agreement to work in the strategic sphere of technologies applied to the health sector, both in the field of innovation projects, exploration of foreign markets or promotion and dissemination of joint activities.

Tecnara is the initiative that emerged at the request of the companies of the hypersector related to Information Technologies, Electronics and Telecommunications (TIET) and promoted by Tecnara (Association of Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunication Companies of Aragon) to the increasing need to improve the competitiveness and internationalization of the companies through innovation and collaboration between the different components of the value chain.

It takes over the activities previously undertaken by Tecnara to promote innovation and competitiveness within its companies, mainly the Innovation Forum.

Address: C/ María de Luna, 11 · 50018 · Zaragoza