Spanish Association Against Cancer

Address: Plaza San Francisco Nº 6 · 50006 · Zaragoza (Zaragoza)

Phone:  976 295 556

The Spanish Association Against Cancer is a non-profit organization made up of patients, family members, volunteers, partners and professionals. We have been developing our activity throughout Spain for more than 69 years.

Our purpose is “To alleviate and prevent, to the extent possible, the suffering in people caused by cancer.

We work together to educate about health, support and accompany sick people and their families, and finance research projects that will allow better diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

All services of the Spanish Association Against Cancer are UNIVERSAL AND FREE.

To carry out our mission, we work on three fundamental pillars, which are:

  • Prevention and information: We educate about health, through our preventive campaigns and programs to reach individuals, groups, companies, etc…
  • Research: We are the private entity that allocates the most funds to oncological research in Spain. We believe that “more research is more life”, and we support researchers throughout their professional life, from laboratory practices to stable work groups.
  • Support and accompaniment: We offer emotional, social and physical support, as well as health guidance, through professionals (psycho-oncologists, social workers, physiotherapists and nutritionists).

To guarantee the quality of the services, projects and activities of the Association, as well as its independence and transparency when developing its mission and also awarding research projects, the organization has the supervision of the following entities and has obtained the following certificates:

  • The Spanish Association Against Cancer, together with the Scientific Foundation, are accredited by the Lealtad Foundation, as an independent body, which reviews the global Transparency situation of the Organization on a biannual basis.
  • AENOR certifies with its seal the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, which guarantees the quality of the aid financing processes based on objectivity, transparency and quality.
    The National Evaluation and Prospective Agency (ANEP) is in charge of carrying out the scientific-technical evaluations of the projects financed by the Spanish Association Against Cancer to research cancer.
  • Erns & Young is the private entity in charge of carrying out external audits of the Spanish Association Against Cancer.
  • The Spanish Association Against Cancer has the RSA+ Seal, granted by the Government of Aragón, jointly with CEOE Aragón, Cepyme Aragón, UGT Aragón and CC.OO.
  • The Spanish Association Against Cancer has the Aragón Company Seal of Excellence in the Bronze Category, in recognition of our high level of commitment to Excellence.

Address: Plaza San Francisco Nº 6 · 50006 · Zaragoza (Zaragoza)

Phone:  976 295 556