Lean Manufacturing Consultants Leman

Address: C/ Cinco de Marzo 7, 3º Izda. · 50004 · Zaragoza (Zaragoza)

Teléfono:  976 464 544

Arahealth and Leman (Lean Manufacturing Consultants) sign a collaboration agreement with advantageous conditions for our partners for the joint promotion of process optimization projects in all types of companies (industrial, services, hospitals …), as well as improvement projects customer service, productivity and quality improvement, supplier management, among others.

Among the services included in this collaboration are the following:

Tailor-made training

Improvement projects:

Cost reduction / productivity improvement
Quality improvement / failure reduction
Improved customer service
Supplier Management
Demand management
Supply management, planning and scheduling of the operation
Operation management
warehouse management and stock optimization
Improvement of internal and external logistics
Maintenance improvement
Organization of improvements / Operating System of Improvements

Address: C/ Cinco de Marzo 7, 3º Izda. · 50004 · Zaragoza (Zaragoza)

Teléfono:  976 464 544