Hospital San Juan de Dios

Address: Paseo de Colón, 14 Zaragoza · 50006 · Zaragoza (Zaragoza) · Spain

Business Areas


  • Clinic or private hospital

San Juan de Dios Hospital was inaugurated in 1953, becoming part of the group of hospitals and own centres governed by the Hospitaller Order of St John of God in Spain, a private management, non-profit institution.

Since its foundation, the Order− through its charisma and in different ways− develops and transmits a concept of hospitality focused on providing comprehensive care to sick people and those in a fragile situation.

Our Hospital in Zaragoza has been doing that for over 60 years, by offering− through a wide Portfolio of Services− from very specialized rehabilitation to palliative medicine at the most crucial moment of life, always striving to combine science and humanized medicine that respects the intrinsic value of the person as a whole.

The history of this Hospital is from the beginning a constant adaptation to healthcare needs of the city of Zaragoza. Nowadays, it is part of the hospital network, providing service to the public healthcare of Aragon with the following


  • Unit of Intensive Care (20 beds)
  • Unit of Convalescence (38 beds)
  • Unit of Rehabilitation (84 beds)
  • Day Hospital: 25 places


  • Hospitalization
  • Outpatient appointments
  • Outpatient rehabilitation


  • Hospitalization: Unit of 26 beds
  • Home care services (Esad)
    • Province of Zaragoza: Sector I and Calatayud.
    • Province of Teruel: Alcañiz.
    • Province of Huesca: Barbastro and metropolitan Huesca.

We have 5 rooms able to provide dialysis to 180 patients, and equipped with 51 monitors and Ultrapure Water System.

Care for children from 6 to 16 years old, giving priority to disabled children.


Our management is based on EFQM Business Excellence Model, which helps us to identify opportunities for improvement and to better manage the resources, increasing this way the satisfaction of our users. In 2011, we were awarded the Award for Business Excellence in the large enterprise category.

Our Hospital is certified in conformity with the criteria established in the ISO 9001:2008 Standards since 2007 for all services. In 2011, our Hospital implemented Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001:2004 Standard for a period of three years, being integrated into our existing Quality Management System.


We signed a cooperation agreement in 2006 with Zaragoza Public University that integrated the existing relation that we had with the Faculty of Health Sciences since 1994. Nowadays, we have 10 associate professors: 4 in Medicine, 3 in Nursing, 2 in Physiotherapy and 1 in Occupational Therapy.

In 2010, we signed a cooperation agreement with San Jorge University, and we have two associate professors: one in Nursing and other in Physiotherapy.


Our way of managing the Hospital is based on our commitment to the environment. Accordingly, we work constantly in order to improve our specific policies in HHRR (Conciliation, Training, Performance…), environmental awareness for professionals and users, and promotion of “Ethics and Integrity” in our way to proceed. It is worth mentioning our Volunteer Service, ongoing since 1992, where members of our society share the Hospital Vision and Values.

It is intended for helping to meet the needs of patients and their families: company, emotional and external support, external formalities, nutrition support or library services.

Address: Paseo de Colón, 14 Zaragoza · 50006 · Zaragoza (Zaragoza) · Spain

Business Areas


  • Clinic or private hospital