Blockchain Aragon

Address: Paseo Sagasta 2, entresuelo · 50006 · Zaragoza

BlockchainAragón is an ecosystem made up of people and organizations enthusiastic about blockchain technology and its potential for digital transformation.

Its mission is to contribute ideas, initiatives and blockchain projects that serve as a transformation engine for people and organizations towards a new way of relating and building in the digital world.

BlockchainAragon has a think tank with experts in the application of blockchain in various areas such as industry 4.0, digital identity, legality, taxation, blockchain architectures or investments in cryptocurrencies.

The BlockchainAragon think tank participates in events, makes specialized presentations and provides services such as training, mentoring for entrepreneurs or blockchain projects, and collaborates in the preparation of innovation projects in which they participated by carrying out management, coordination and dissemination tasks.

Address: Paseo Sagasta 2, entresuelo · 50006 · Zaragoza