Aragonese Association for Dependency (ARADE)

Address: Vía Hispanidad 152 Local · Zaragoza (Zaragoza)

Business Areas


  • Health care centers

ARADE is an association of directors, managers and professionals of private centers (Home Help, Day Centers and Residences) of Aragon that works to provide service to the dependency of the elderly with the main objective of complying with the highest levels of legality and quality standards.

Arahealth and ARADE agree to cooperate in achieving the common objectives that their respective founding statutes establish:

The promotion of information or training actions that will deal with topics of interest to both parties.
Encourage collaboration between the two entities and their partners in the field of innovation with the aim of generating, presenting and executing new cooperative innovation projects.
Any other activity that is mutually beneficial.

Address: Vía Hispanidad 152 Local · Zaragoza (Zaragoza)

Business Areas


  • Health care centers