Araclon Biotech

Address: Vía Hispanidad, 21. 50009, Zaragoza

Phone:  976 796 562

Business areas


  • Pĥarma industry
  • Clinical analysis
  • R+D center

Araclon is a company specialising in Alzheimer’s disease.Araclon Biotech emerged in 2004 as a spin-off of the University of Zaragoza. Since 2012, and coinciding with the incorporation of the multinational company Grifols as a shareholder, Araclon Biotech has consolidated its position as a pioneering company in the development of projects for the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

The company currently has centralised laboratories in Zaragoza, Spain (Headquarters) from where we offer ABtest Service for the determination of these peptides in human plasma.
At Araclon Biotech we are also striving to tackle the disease at an early stage by developing active immunotherapies (vaccines) against β-amyloid peptides.

One of our vaccines (ABvac40) has already completed Phase II.
As a result of this research work, Araclon Biotech’s intellectual property encompasses several patent families that protect our diagnostic assays (IP ABtest42/40, IP ABtestMS) and our active immunotherapies (IP ABvac40, IP ABvac42).

Address: Vía Hispanidad, 21. 50009, Zaragoza

Phone:  976 796 562

Business areas


  • Pharma industry
  • Clinical analysis
  • R+D center