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Arahealth obtains €307,000 for innovation projects in AEIs 2022 grants

Arahealth's success in the AEIS 2022 call for grants

Arahealth has obtained the approval of two projects in the ordinary AEIS 2022 call for aid, from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism with a total aid of €306,872 on a budget of €428,625.

The approved projects have been the following:

  • PRL-TECH: Optimization of industrial processes through the application of embedded electronic systems (IoT) to control thermal stress risks. More Prevention, Grupo Copo (CAAR partner company) and the Tecnara cluster participate together with their partners Integra and Signos IoT.
  • e-Running: artificial intelligence for forecasting collaborative demand for sports shoes. Podoactiva, Predictland (a partner company of Tecnara) and the Catalan sports cluster (INDESCAT) participate together with its partner company Seven&Mila Events.

We appreciate the collaboration of all those involved, Arahealth partners and the Tecnara and Indescat clusters, as well as their partners, for the work carried out.

Thank you all!

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