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Arahealth: competitiveness, innovation and networking in the Health sector


in figures:









Who we are

The Aragon Health Cluster (Arahealth) promotes and contributes to the competitiveness of the sector in Aragon by promoting innovation by its associates and improving the conditions surrounding the sector.

The Aragon Health Cluster (Arahealth) is a non-profit association established on February 7, 2013. It has legal personality and full capacity to act under Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22, regulating the Association Law and complementary rules.

What we do

The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism of Spain described Arahealth’s Strategic Plan as excellent, so on July 31, 2013 it was registered in the Special Register of AEI (Innovative Business Groups) with the number REAEI-00186. This enables participation in special lines of aid for AEI and the additional evaluation in applications managed by this Ministry.

Featured projects

Diagnosis in pharmacies · Smart room · Health tourism · Homecare · Patient telemonitoring validation · New services for well-being and active aging · Room of the future · New IVD colorectal cancer test · New IVD test for autoimmune diseases · Validation of new dynamic chair for the operating room · Industry 4.0 applied to the smart room · Healthy life expert for pharmacists · AI in hospital air units · Pharmadrón · Advanced hospital bed · European AI4Diag project · AI module for smart staff · Rehabilitation by AR AI for egg selection I4.0 in the smart template PAIPs partner management

Algeria Mission · Colombia Mission · Arab Health Fair · Africa Health Fair · Iran and Kazakhstan Mission · Bio-Med Fair Assistance (Israel) · Iran Mission II · China Health City Mission · Arab Health Fair · Virtual reverse mission Colombia, Peru and Ecuador · Bogota tender

Deloitte · ITAInnova · I3A · INA · Bio-Med Aragón · Health and ICTs · Bio-Med Aragón · Aragonese Health Service · Networking breakfasts · Health and ICTs III · Interclusters III · Big Data · Aragonese Health Service · Health and ICTs IV · Interclusters III · I4.0 · Presentations in university masters · USJ Connecta

Lean management applied to health · Regulation and internationalization in IVD · Digital health for healthcare professionals

Integrated in an European innovation ecosystem


Aragonese clusters:



Un ecosistema al servicio de la Salud


  • Empresas
  • Networking
  • Otros clusters
  • Consultores
  • Instituciones


  • Internacionalización
  • Innovación
  • Logística y operaciones
  • Investigación aplicada
  • Centros tecnológicos


  • AEIs
  • Autonomías
  • Gobierno
  • Europeas


El posicionamiento alimenta nuevas oportunidades


  • Rentabilidad
  • Crecimiento
  • Mejora de la competitividad


  • Dinamizador
  • Aglutinador
  • Facilitador

How to become part of Arahealth

Who can join the Aragon Health Cluster?

Arahealth may belong to those companies or institutions that have an interest in the development of the cluster’s aims and that are involved in the health sector, developing economic activities in it. They must carry out an important part of their activity in the Community of Aragon.

Request for information to join